Avant-Garde AI for Cellular Pathology

Histofy brings groundbreaking interpretable AI to pathologists, biomedical researchers and the pharmaceutical industry. We believe that our transformative tools will be influential in providing better patient care. Our AI services are currently made available through integration with existing clinical workflows.

AI Tools and Services for Deep Tissue Profiling

Our products and services leverage the huge amount of pixel data contained in digital pathology images to enhance tissue analysis. 

AI-powered large bowel biopsy screening

Our AI-powered colon biopsy screening tool streamlines clinical workflows by removing normal slides that do not require further intervention from pathologists. For slides flagged as abnormal by our tool, we offer triaging and decision support to further optimise the screening process.


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MitPro: next-generation mitosis profiling

Our AI-driven algorithm for precise mitosis quantification and profiling offers enhanced pathology workflows by increasing the reliability, speed  and depth of analysis. 


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Consulting services for AI

We offer consulting services for pharma, CROs and multi-omics companies to help support the internal development of customised tissue-profiling solutions.

Want to hear more about our products and services?

Histofy AI services miscroscope

Tools for tissue
image analysis

We have a proven track record in the development of advanced algorithms for computational pathology, including accurate identification of histological primitives, bespoke analytical pipelines and biomarker discovery.

Tissue based diagnostics and prognostics

We are developing state-of-the-art tools for automatic diagnosis and patient stratification from routine histology images, which can reduce turnaround times and advance patient care.

Histofy AI services scan

Image analysis for pharmaceutical research

Our AI can help accurately identify patient subgroups that may respond to certain treatments, leading to significant cost savings and the lack of need for expensive molecular profiling.